Sunday, October 1, 2017

Informative But Slow

Che: A Graphic Biography by Sid Jacobson, with art by Ernie Colón

Ernesto “Che” Guevara, the infamous and elusive Communist revolutionary, was only 39 when he was executed in 1967. Bet he didn’t imagine that his memory and devotion to the cause would still be around decades later, sported on T-shirts worn by angry, rebellious teenagers. Realistic pen and ink drawings construct a surprisingly objective portrait of this controversial figure, but its saving grace is also its downfall. Jacobson and Colón leave very little feeling on the page. Facts are reported and speeches and letters quoted in a cold, clean fashion that’s reminiscent of a history textbook. Jacobson frequently goes on tangents into background information that, while important to understanding the subject, is positively painful to wade through. Although very informative, this slow-moving biography is often in danger of killing the reader’s interest in its fascinating subject. Readers should press on, however: things pick up around the middle, so finishing it becomes much easier. Although it’s not a complete bore, it sure gets close to it. Recommended for Gr 9 Up for violence.

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